BSI received official global accreditation status from ANSI-ASQ and UKAS


British Standards Institution (BSI) is a business standards company that equips businesses with the necessary solutions to turn standards of best practice into habits of excellence. To certify organizations to the new Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard, ISO 45001:2018 BSI has been awarded official global accreditation status from ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

To obtain accredited status for the certification process, BSI’s migration process and internal auditor training to the new standard have been independently assessed to ensure it operates at the highest level of quality and service. This assures the credibility and impartiality of the certificate issued to the clients.

Standard BS OHSAS 18001 is replaced by ISO 45001:2018, which is designed to reduce work-related injury and to provide safe and healthy workplaces. ISO 45001 also promotes and protects physical and mental health.

Some of the key advantages of ISO 45001:2018 are as followed: –

  • Strengthening organisational resilience through proactive risk prevention, innovation and continuous improvement.
  • Increasing adherence to legal and regulatory requirements while lowering business losses.
  • Reveals brand responsibility by pledging to safe, healthy and sustainable work.
  • Enhancing recruitment, retention and employee engagement.
  • One international occupational health and safety system for all organisations and businesses
  • Adherence to other key management system standards by utilising a shared framework and core text.

In a statement Pietro Foschi, group assurance director of BSI stated that “ISO 45001 is the internationally recognized standard on Occupational Health & Safety helping organizations of all sizes and sectors transform workplace practices. Companies embracing ISO 45001 not only demonstrate good health & safety management but also their commitment to the well-being of their workers, while improving the resilience of their organization. Achieving accreditation to ISO 45001 is a testament to the investment BSI makes in training our auditors to ensure that our clients take full advantage of the benefits of this new standard.”

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