World Television Ltd received award of ISO/IEC 27001:2013


The indicators of progress that have been showing during the previous year continue to thrive as we headed into the year 2023. Those organizations that have weathered the most recent and ongoing disruption are putting their newly gained resilience to good use by employing it as a springboard from which to launch themselves into the future. They have done this in order to capitalize on the newly gained strength they have gained.

World Television Ltd, which was awarded ISO/IEC 27001:2013, may look back on this accomplishment with a sense of pride. ISO Cert News extends its congratulations to the company on its achievement of accreditation ISO Certificates, which will contribute to the organization’s increased quality and social prestige. Any firm may improve its level of quality by qualifying the audits that are carried out throughout the process of gaining the certifications.

The capacity of an organization to provide its customers with services that are of a high standard is crucial to the organization’s overall success. In today’s AI-driven economy, information security and the trust that businesses build in their customers, clients, and other stakeholders are of the utmost importance. Compliance with ISO 27001:2013 helps strengthen an organization’s resilience to cyberattacks. Increasing awareness of the risks posed by cyberspace accomplishes this, putting in place controls to reduce the likelihood of cyberattacks, and planning a plan for swiftly and effectively responding to an attack, should one occur.

The scope of the organization covers World Television Ltd WTV Operations and Applications.  

ISO 27701 (Privacy Information Management System), ISO 20000-1 (Service Management System), CMMI, ISO 22301, and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) are all examples of mandatory ISO standard certifications that other businesses in the same (IT) industry are adhering to. These certifications are being met by a variety of other businesses operating in the same industry as yours, which is the information technology industry. These certificates give a solid basis for the establishment of national and international legislation, which helps save time and reduces obstacles to international trade. As a result, any company that organizes virtual events must adhere to these standards, as they are an absolute need. ISO 22301, which is a component of the business continuity management system, is essential for every company, notwithstanding the size of the organization, because it enables companies to persist even in the face of adversity. This makes the implementation of the standard necessary.

The International Accreditation Service is one of the accreditation bodies that specializes in dealing with such requirements (IAS). Since its inception in 1975, the International Accreditation Service (IAS) has granted accreditation to a wide range of organizations, including those that fall under the categories of public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.


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