PT. LIE JASIN ENGINEERING bagged ISO 37001:2016 Certification to fight against bribery and corruption


PT. LIE JASIN ENGINEERING received IAS-accredited ISO 37001:2016 Certification for Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS). The scope of the certification includes the Highways, Road Construction Work, Bridges and Irrigation.

What is ISO 37001:2016 Certification?

Corruption is a pervasive problem all over the world. The prevalence of unfair and unethical business practices creates a negative reputation for organizations among clients and customers. ISO 37001:2016 certification is a standard for Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS). It aims to establish a culture of integrity within the organization and create an open and transparent environment by maintaining compliance with Anti-Bribery standards.

Benefits of ISO 37001 standard for PT. LIE JASIN ENGINEERING

ISO 37001 provides adequate tools and controls for PT. LIE JASIN ENGINEERING to monitor and manage corruption and bribery incidents within the organisation. Moreover, obtaining an ABMS certificate offers the following benefits for the organisation; these are:

  • ISO 37001 standard in 2016 to fight the evil of corruption and establish a transparent and reliable ecosystem. The building of every business is trust and transparency; moreover, it makes the organization credible and the integrity of your brand.
  • ISO 37001:2016 certification is a cost-effective standard that helps to avoid regulatory and statutory fines and penalties due to unethical business practices. Implementing the ISO 37001 standard results in a significant reduction in bribery incidents and helps you win new clients and businesses.


PT. LIE JASIN ENGINEERING’s commitment to comply with the guidelines of ISO 37001 requirements establishes it as a responsible and aware organisation.  The certification requires the organisation to formulate an anti-bribery management policy and adhere to its provisions and regulations. It conducts a risk assessment to identify vulnerable areas and addresses them accordingly.


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