Presidency College obtains accreditation in ISO 21001:2018


The first government institution in Tamil Nadu to receive the ISO 21001 accreditation from the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the Presidency institution, which just accomplished a noteworthy milestone. This accomplishment demonstrates the school’s dedication to academic quality and transparency.

Presidency College received the ISO 21001:2018 certification—a widely accepted benchmark for academic institutions—after meeting some important requirements. The best student-teacher ratio, an organized syllabus, transparency in the admissions process, and a stringent answer sheet review procedure are some of these components. This accreditation strengthens the validity of information provided for national accreditation and ranking systems, including the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), and it also demonstrates the college’s commitment to upholding high standards.

Presidency College principal Raman expressed his happiness at this accomplishment. He emphasised that this ISO certification would greatly enhance the credibility of the college’s data and documents, making it an invaluable asset for the institution’s continued growth and recognition. The certification process involved a thorough audit conducted by BIS to verify the claims and documentation submitted by the college.



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