Andhra Pradesh: JNTUA achieves ISO certification in 5 categories, an additional 3 for colleges.


The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur has been accredited by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) in five categories, and the colleges of his campus received in three further categories on Wednesday.

Vice-Chancellor of University, Ginka Ranga Janardhana declared that the Hyderabad HYM International Certifications Pvt. LTD. base had inspected the university premises a couple of months ago and sent a report to the organisation, that awarded the certificate to the university – ISO 9001:2015 for providing educational services; ISO 14001:2015 for green implementation and environment promotion activities; ISO 27001:2013 on the provision of educational services; ISO 50001:2011 for the implementation of energy conservation practices; and gender awareness audit.

The JNTUA College of Engineering has achieved the ISO 9001:2015 standard for the provision of academic services. The JNTUA Management Department and the JNTUA Oil Technological & Pharmaceutical Research Institute obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certificate for educational services. MLC Vennapusa Gopal Reddy presented the certificate to the Vice-Chancellor on the occasion of a brief reception on campus.



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