Industries Relevant To ISO 14001


The policies, processes, strategies, practices, and records that specify the guidelines for how your business interacts with the environment make up an environmental management system or EMS. Because only your firm will have the precise legal requirements and environmental interactions that match your unique business procedures, this system needs to be customized for your own company. The ISO 14001 specifications, however, offer a structure and instructions for developing your environmental management system, ensuring that you do not overlook crucial components required for an EMS to be effective.

Understanding the Significance of ISO 14001

Two of the most significant difficulties facing businesses today are protecting our environment and preventing our company from having a detrimental impact on it. The recognition that comes with being among the companies that care enough to lessen their environmental impact is one of the main advantages of establishing an EMS. This can improve your company’s ties with clients, the general public, and the community at large, but it also has other advantages.

Along with maintaining a positive public image, many businesses can save money by putting in place an environmental management system. Some industries that benefit and must look to implement Environment Management Systems are mentioned below

Oil & Gas Industry: In addition, because the oil and gas sector inevitably harms the environment, it is essential that businesses that operate in it take all possible precautions to save the environment, ideally by reducing consumption. Companies in this business will profit from knowing which processes produce the most waste or pollution by implementing ISO 14001. Therefore, by having access to such information, managers of such companies can make wise choices that will actually reduce the negative environmental impact the organization has.

Petroleum And Refinery Industry: Refineries are subject to a multitude of environmental rules pertaining to air, land, and water because they are typically regarded as major pollutant sources in the areas where they are located. Hazardous and poisonous air pollutants like BTEX chemicals (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) are mostly produced by petroleum refineries. They are also a significant producer of the following air pollutants: sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), particulate matter (PM), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). ISO 14001 is to safeguard the environmental conditions in and around such refineries.

Chemical & Fertilizers Industry: An adverse effect on people and the environment is possible over the course of a chemical product’s whole life (from “cradle to grave”). The chemicals industry can have an impact on the supply of non-renewable resources since it uses raw materials (such as natural gas, coal and coke, minerals, fuel oil, and liquefied petroleum gas) as a source of energy and feedstock. Furthermore, because these materials are typically based on hydrocarbons, when they are burned, carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well as nitrogen oxides (NOx), which help to generate tropospheric ozone or “smog,” might be released. Processing the feedstock and raw materials may discharge harmful chemicals into the environment, such as benzene.

Both the use of the raw materials and feedstocks by other businesses or consumers (such as the emissions of benzene in gasoline during the refueling of automobiles) and their processing can result in the release of harmful pollutants into the environment. Last but not least, the chemicals industry may produce hazardous waste as a byproduct of production and from goods that travel through the supply chain before being discarded after their intended use.

Pharmaceutical Industry : Every producer in the pharmaceutical sector makes an effort to run a more stable business. They worry about sustainability, though.

Implementing an ISO 14001 Certification is advantageous in this situation. Using ISO 14001 in the pharmaceutical industry may help with –

  • Minimizing Waste,
  • Using Less Energy
  • Reducing Their Overall Carbon Footprint.

These are all crucial factors to take into account when dealing with intricate global supply chains.

Metal & Steel Industry: The mining of ores, the preparation of raw materials, the agglomeration of fines in the sinter plant, the feeding of burden to the blast furnace, the production of coke in coke ovens, the transformation of pig iron into steel, the making and shaping of steel products, the granulation of slag for use in cement plants, the recovery of chemicals from Benzol and tar products, etc. are all part of the iron and steel industry. All of the aforementioned activities contribute to contamination of the air, water, land, and noise. All make it necessary for them to get ISO 14001 certification

Power Industry: The energy sector is a vital one in many contemporary economies. The energy sector will continue to be shaped by rising demand, technological advancements, fierce rivalry, and efficient supply chains. To be competitive, energy providers will need to adapt to these developments. ISO certificates will assist you in skilfully managing the intricate needs of your projects and utilizing your resources. The certification organization NQA has a long history of working with clients in the energy sector. We will assist you in obtaining the ISO certifications you’ve chosen for the energy sector while enhancing your operations and workforce.


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