HBD Packaging Private Limited bagged ISO 9001:2015, HACCP and ISO 22000:2018 Certification


HBD Packaging Private Limited received IAS-accredited ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018 Certification and IOAS-accredited HACCP.

The scope of ISO 9001:2015 certification includes Printing and Supply of Folding Cartons, Litho Laminated Cartons, Blister Cards, Tray and Sleeves, Point of Sale Dispenser, Catch Covers, Corrugated Boxes, Labels, Literature Sheets (Leaflets) Cartons for Food Packaging and Liner Cartons. Additionally, the scope of ISO 22000:2018 & HACCP certifications includes the Printing and Supply of Paper/Board Packaging for Food, Such as Liner Cartons, Boxes, Trays, Sleeves, and Insert Cards.

What is ISO 9001 Certification?

The ISO 9001 standard’s cornerstone is the quality management system that provides a set of principles for standard operating procedures. Moreover, it helps organisations improve the overall “quality” of different areas and business operations. It is a set of guidelines, methods, and records that specify the best approach to provide your clients with your goods or services. It functions similarly to business processes but with an emphasis on quality assurance.

Benefits of ISO 9001 standards HBD Packaging Private Limited

  • QMS-certified organisations to non-certified ones, the former have demonstrated gains in productivity and financial performance.
  • The ISO 9001 provides precise guidelines for process evaluations and audits. Moreover, the certification facilitates the collection of information and data-driven decision-making.
  • The world acknowledges the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) as the leading authority on quality management.

What is ISO 22000 Certification?

ISO 22000 is a food safety management system that applies to all food chain organisations, from farm to fork. A business can demonstrate to its clients that it has a food safety management system by obtaining ISO 22000 certification. Customers will be more confident in the goods as a result. Customers are demanding safer food, and food processors are demanding safer ingredients from their suppliers; thus, it becomes more crucial.

Benefits of ISO 22000 standards for HBD Packaging Private Limited

  • ISO 22000 integrates globally acknowledged Food Safety Management procedures into an enterprise.
  • The certification boosts the controls for risk management throughout the food production chain to ensure food safety.
  • It enhances the trust of consumers, suppliers, and other stakeholders in an organisation’s food safety and capacity to lower health hazards.

What are HACCP Principles?

HACCP is a management method that addresses food safety through the study and control of biological, chemical, and physical risks from raw material production, procurement, and handling to final product manufacturing, distribution, and consumption.

Benefits of HACCP Principles for HBD Packaging Private Limited

  • HACCP finds the Critical Control Points (CCPs) to avoid risks and eliminate or minimise them at each stage. Cooking raw meat sufficiently to kill germs is an example of CCP.
  • The certification would entail taking time and temperature readings. A suitable monitoring system would guarantee, for example, that food is refrigerated below 5 degrees Celsius.


HBD Packaging Private Limited received ISO 9001:2015, HACCP & ISO 22000:2018 Certifications to enhance their working and management system. Moreover, the certification helps the organisation achieve organisational goals and intended outcomes.


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