FSSC Issues an Update to the FSSC 22000 Scheme


The FSSC Foundation released Version 6 of the FSSC 22000 scheme on March 31, 2023. The consumer goods business benefits from FSSC programs by creating effective management systems, preserving their brands, and meeting food safety standards. The foundation also intends to assist organizations in contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The key reasons for an improved version of the FSSC 22000 scheme are:

  • Integrating the requirements of ISO 22003-1:2022
  • Strengthening the requirements for organizations to help them fulfil the SDGs.
  • Considering input from the Version 6 development survey, which garnered approximately 2,000 replies.

A 12-month transition period will be available for Version 6 to provide enterprises time to be ready for the scheme and for certifying bodies to adopt it and get accredited. Beginning on April 1, 2024, the first audits using Version 6 will be conducted. By March 31, 2025, every business must have finished the Version 6 upgrade audit. The foundation has released a paper outlining the Version 6 Upgrade Process and a version of the scheme that highlights the differences between Version 5.1 and Version 6 in order to help organizations adapt to the new version.

The inclusion of regulations on food loss and waste is one of the most significant developments. Organizations must have a written policy and objectives outlining their approach for reducing food loss and waste inside their firm and its supply chains. The increased food loss and waste needs enable a silo-breaking strategy that contributes to the SDGs.

The Version 6 scheme documentation, the upgrade procedure, and a summary of the principal changes are all free to download from the FSSC website.

SOURCE:- https://www.food-safety.com/articles/8467-fssc-releases-updated-version-of-fssc-22000-scheme


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