Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11 received ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Quality Management Systems (QMS)


Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11 successfully completed the initial audit for IAS-accredited ISO 9001:2015 Certification to adopt appropriate Quality Management Systems (QMS) standards.

The scope of the certification includes Design and Construction of Civil, Building and Track Works for Double Line Railway involving Formation in Embankments/Cuttings, Bridges, Structures (Excluding Civil Works for Bridges over Railways and Water Main, and across Creek and Ulhas River and Formations in Embankment I Cutting and Structures in their Approaches on both sides), Buildings, Ballast on Formation, Track Works (Including Track Works on Bridges over Railways and Water Main, and across Creek and Ulhas River and Formations in Embankment I Cutting and Structures in their Approaches on both sides) including Testing and Commissioning on Design-Build Lump Sum Price Basis for JNPT – Vaitarana Section of Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (Phase – 2 ) Operation and Maintenance of Mobile Flash Butt Welding Plants.

Apart from this, Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11 can also apply for ISO 14001:2015 certification for Environment Management Systems (EMS) and ISO 45001:2018 Certification for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS).

What is ISO 9001:2015 Certification?

ISO 9001 Certification is an internationally recognized Quality Management Systems (QMS) standard. It demonstrates an Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11 ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. The certification focuses on continual improvement, customer satisfaction, and effective process management. Achieving ISO 9001 involves a rigorous audit process where an independent certification body verifies the organization’s adherence to the standard’s principles.

Benefits of ISO 9001 standard for Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11

ISO 9001 certification offers a goldmine of benefits for Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11. These are:

  • ISO 9001 certification helps Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11 to meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction. The organization ensures its products and services consistently meet customer expectations by implementing standardized quality management processes. The emphasis on continual improvement also means that Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11 seek ways to enhance their offerings by further boosting customer experience.

  • The ISO 9001 standard encourages Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11 to analyze and optimize its processes for more efficient operations. The organization can reduce waste, lower costs, and enhance productivity by identifying and eliminating inefficiencies. Moreover, the standard provides a structured approach to process management to promote data-driven decision-making for maintaining high-performance standards.


The ISO 9001:2015 Certification marks a significant achievement for the Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11. The certification underscores its commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency in the design and construction of railway infrastructure. Express Freight Railway Consortium, WDFCCIL, CTP-11 enhance its ability to meet customer requirements and optimize processes to reduce waste and increase productivity with ISO 9001.


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